How do I contribute?

Our current call out for voice clips is about Kristie Dotson’s “Tracking Epistemic Violence, Tracking Practices of Silencing” Hypatia, 26.2, 2011. You can find it here. We ask for examples, anecdotes, explanations, questions, or whatever you’d like to say. Keep it casual, think of it as the first day of a new class.

  • You should start with your name and why you wanted to contribute on this topic. Otherwise, we are open to how you want to contribute on the particular call out.

  • Feminist philosophers broadly construed. This is not an institutional definition, nor a definition just for those with advanced training in philosophy.

  • Our plan is to use a few short clips per episode and use them to create moments of collage and discussion together.

  • Below is a button linked “leave a voice clip.” This will take you to an external website called SpeakPipe. On that webstie you can record for up to 90 seconds. If this doesn’t work for you, please email using the form below and talk to us about a different way to contribute.

Contribute to our podcast!

Pitch us an episode idea or send us a written “clip”

Do you have an idea you think would fit thinking bodies? Send us a message!